Dental Bonding Watford

Crooked, stained, and chipped teeth are the biggest enemies of a beautiful smile. If someone has pearly white and straight teeth, research shows they are considered more attractive, friendly, and approachable than those with imperfect smiles. If you are also among those who avoid smiling or speaking in public because you’re afraid of showing your stained teeth, there is no need to worry; cosmetic dentistry can help you overcome this problem with dental bonding. 

If this is the first time you have heard about bonding, don’t worry, we will explain everything to know about this procedure and how it can help you enjoy a beautiful smile. So, read on to learn more. 

What Is Composite Teeth Bonding?

According to the British Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry, bonding refers to a procedure in which a tooth-coloured, resin-based filling material is applied to damaged teeth to restore their aesthetics, function, and structure. Composite bonding is one of the most commonly performed cosmetic dental procedures worldwide. Composite-based bonded fillings are used to mask permanent teeth stains and restore chipped, crooked, or fractured teeth. 

How Is Composite Bonding Beneficial?

Compared to silver amalgam fillings, composite fillings offer many advantages. For example, composite fillings are tooth-coloured. Therefore, they blend in and become virtually indistinguishable from the adjacent natural teeth. Moreover, composite fillings are safe for use as they contain no harmful ingredients. Finally, composite fillings do not require sacrificing natural tooth structure for their placement, unlike amalgam fillings. Therefore, they are considerably more tooth-conservative than amalgam restorations. 

How Long Does Tooth Bonding Last?

Composite fillings are not only aesthetically pleasing but are also quite durable. Research has shown that composite restorations can last 5-10 years with proper care. You can extend the lifetime of your composite restorations by maintaining optimal oral hygiene and visiting your dentist regularly for checkups. Today, extremely durable and natural-looking bonded fillings are available that last as long as silver amalgam restorations. 

Can I Get Dental Bonding Instead Of Braces?

Composite fillings and braces are two different things. Composite restorations are used for restoring damaged teeth, while braces are used for straightening them. So, they are used for different purposes. However, one case is where bonding can be used instead of braces. For example, if someone doesn’t want to wait many months to get their teeth straightened, they can align them cosmetically using bonding. In such cases, bonding only fixes the aesthetic issue and doesn’t address the underlying cause. However, bonding can only be used for the cosmetic restoration of mild to moderate orthodontic issues such as mild crowding or spacing. Complex issues still require orthodontic treatment. 

Teeth Bonding Vs Veneers

Teeth bonding and veneers are used for the same purpose. However, they work differently. Bonded composite restorations are directly applied to the teeth. Hence, they are known as direct restorations. On the other hand, veneers are prepared in the laboratory. Therefore, they are also called indirect restorations. First, your dentist will remove a thin layer of the damaged teeth to create room for the veneers. Next, they will make impressions of your teeth, which will be sent to the laboratory for fabrication. Since veneers are prepared in the dental laboratory under controlled conditions, they offer superior aesthetics and durability than bonding. Therefore, veneers are preferred options when excellent aesthetics and strength are desired. 

How Do You Get Stains Off Bonded Teeth?

Bonded restorations are routinely used for masking teeth stains. However, if these restorations get stained, there is no way to remove stains. This is because professional teeth whitening only works on the natural tooth structure, not bonded fillings. Therefore, if bonded restorations get stained with coffee, tea, tobacco, or curry stains, the only option to fix this issue is to repair or replace them with a fresh filling. So, it is best to avoid getting your composite fillings stained in the first place. Try professional teeth whitening before any bonding restorations and continue with the following:

  • Maintain optimal oral hygiene through brushing and flossing
  • Avoid strong-coloured and staining-prone foods
  • Visit your dentist regularly for checkups 

How Much Is Composite Bonding In The UK?

The cost of bonded restorations in the UK depends on various factors, such as the dentist’s location, skills and experience, and the quality of materials they use. The cost will be higher if you visit a dentist in the metropolitan area than in the suburbs. However, the average cost of a bonded restoration is £200 to £400 per tooth. Before paying for your composite fillings treatment, make sure to consult your dentist about whether the practice covers your insurance plan. This will help you offset the cost of your treatment considerably. You can also ask your dentist if they offer flexible payment plans to reduce your financial burden. 

Composite Bonding Near Me?

When considering composite fillings, one should always visit an experienced and qualified dentist. This is because an experienced dentist will not only ensure optimal aesthetics but will also help increase their lifetime. 

If you are looking for the best cosmetic dentist in Watford, look no more! Senova Dental offers high-quality dental services to its esteemed patients in a comfortable and relaxing environment. We take pride in having a highly qualified team capable of taking care of your entire family’s dental issues. So, Book an appointment today and let us take care of the rest. We can assure you that you are in safe hands with us. We look forwards to serving you!

Dr Jay Padayachy
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GDC REGISTRATION NO. 64358 A graduate of the Newcastle-upon-Tyne Dental school, Dr Padayachy has been a dentist at the award winning Senova Dental Studios in Watford since 1998 focusing on comprehensive restorative and cosmetic dentistry. Jay has previously been the president of The London Dental Fellowship. He has been a member of the British Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry since its inception and serves on the Credentialing committee. Jay has lectured widely on all aspects of cosmetic dentistry, dental photography and comprehensive care.

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